A Very Simple Program

Adapted from MIT’s open course 6-0001 - Introduction to Computer Science and programming in python, as offered in 2016

Raising a number to a power and taking a logarithm

The goal of this programming exercise is to make sure your python and numpy installations are correct, to get you more comfortable with using Spyder, and to begin using simple elements of Python. Standard elements of a program include the ability to print out results (using the print operation), the ability to read input from a user at the console (for example using the input function), and the ability to store values in a variable, so that the program can access that value as needed.


Write a program that does the following in order:

  1. Asks the user to enter a number “x”
  2. Asks the user to enter a number “y”
  3. Prints out number “x”, raised to the power “y”.
  4. Prints out the log (base 2) of “x”.

Use Spyder to create your program, and save your code in a file named ‘ps0.py’.

An example of an interaction with your program is shown below. The words printed in blue are ones the computer should print, based on your commands, while the words in black are an example of a user’s input. The colors are simply here to help you distinguish the two components.

Enter number x: 2
Enter number y: 3
x**y = 8
log(x) = 1



Última modificação: 28-03-2023